Monday, November 5, 2007

Charlotte's First Halloween

I had all good intentions to just borrow Julia's costumes from last year...Charlotte was going to be a pumpkin, but then I found her the perfect costume in BumbleBee's for just 5$
I still borrowed Julia's costumes and Charlotte wore them to day care Mon-Wed, but at night...Charlotte was my little ballerina!

Monday she was a pumpkin - I'll add pics when I get some from Emilie.
Tuesday she was a frog for Jen and Julia - here is is with Grandpa VB at night

Wednesday she was an elephant for Tanya.

Wednesday night we hung out at Katie B's house with most the girls from youth group...Austin VanNoord came as Lion...

Then later at night, we went to visit Grandma and Grandpa Jones...Julia and Aunt Jen came too. As you can see I'm trying to turn the frog into a happy cousin :o)

New 2007

Hey all...first, thanks to Laura P to suggesting this to try. Hopefully I can keep up with it.

With Charlotte, life gets so busy, now I can type a bit and share with all my friends at once. But really I don't know where to start. Maybe I should start by saying its past my bedtime... Brandon is in Missouri, so I'm not going to bed ontime tonight. Plus, I was preparing Charlotte's pictures to be printed.

So I'll leave you with this picture...Charlotte wishing her daddy a good hunting trip. FYI, he did shoot a BIG one, they have to go look for it in the morning though.